BA in Geology

students work with rock samples and molecular models at a classroom table

The Bachelor of Arts in Geology lays the groundwork for a well-rounded geological education, offering a less math-intensive option than the BS program. In classes such as Oceanography, Paleontology and Volcanology, students explore various disciplines within the geological sciences and learn a range of laboratory and field-based techniques. The BA degree prepares students for careers in a broad array of Earth-based fields and advanced study.



Course Requirements

The following requirements must be fulfilled:

The general requirements stated under Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Undergraduate Programs.

Program-specific curriculum:

Prerequisite courses
Two courses selected from the following:
GEOL 1002Historical Geology
GEOL 1001Physical Geology
GEOL 1005Environmental Geology
Required courses in related areas
CHEM 1111General Chemistry I
CHEM 1112General Chemistry II
Required courses for the major
GEOL 2111Mineralogy
GEOL 2112Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
GEOL 2122Structural Geology
GEOL 3128Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
GEOL 3129Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Lab
GEOL 4195Geological Field Methods
Three upper-level elective courses selected from the following:
GEOL 2106Oceanography
GEOL 2151Introduction to Paleontology
GEOL 2190Special Topics in Geology (3 credits only)
GEOL 2333Evolution and Extinction of Dinosaurs
GEOL 3118Volcanology
GEOL 3123
GEOL 3131Global Climate Change
GEOL 3138Hydrogeology
GEOL 3140
GEOL 3191Geology of Energy Resources
GEOL 4199Undergraduate Research or Reading (3 credits only)